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G20 Fitness for a Great Workout

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Looking for a great workout with a trainer? G20 Fitness is the place to go!

g20-fitness-great-workoutIf you want to get fit, G20 Fitness has a plan for you. We offer a few different program options to choose from:

  1. Fitness Group Session – Provides an effective and efficient way to maximize your results through our proven strength and conditioning program, and includes your nutrition plan.
  2. Personal Training Session – One-on-one strength and conditioning program.
  3. Private Group Session – Up-to-four people following our strength and conditioning program at an affordable and convenient rate.
  4. 21 Day Fit Body Challenge – Transform your body and lifestyle in thisprogram.


Reasons to work out with a personal trainer

How many times have you set new fitness goals for yourself only to lose interest in a couple of weeks?  We all need a little help sometimes.  The average gym goer often struggles through the flux of motivation and feelings of unfulfilled fruitless efforts. Below are some great reasons why using a personal trainer will help you reach your fitness goals.

  • Personal trainers are not just for stars and athletes. Every single person can benefit from working with a trainer.  Personal training is truly an investment in one’s own health and well-being. Everyone achieves more working with a personal trainer.
  • If you are new to the gym experience, or want to get started in the right direction, getting a personal trainer is a smart idea. Trainers work with you one-on-one to concentrate on areas unique to your body and your goals. Trainers are educated on the most effective ways to help you get to your fitness goals. They will work with you to develop a routine that makes sense and is realistic for you.
  • We all have areas we’d like to work on and personal trainers not only tell you realistically what to expect with each workout, but also how to optimize a session to target different muscle groups. Your trainer will observe you as you work out and tweak it to your best advantage.
  • There is an overwhelming amount of fitness, nutrition, and health information available. It is impossible for the average person to have time to sift through this information for what is most valid, accurate and up to date. It is the job of the trainer to stay on top of health trends and continue their education in order to provide you with the safest and most accurate information in the industry. For example, is that new fad diet really effective? Will I really get a bikini body by doing that popular workout? Is it true what I read in this fitness magazine?
  • Personal trainers hold you accountable. You may groan when, just when you think you can’t go anymore, you’ll be told to “hold for another minute” or do “10 more reps.” And what do you do? You do it, and are all the better for it. It’s much harder to justify blowing off an appointment with a personal trainer than just your own free styling time at the gym.
  • If you are plateauing in your workout routine, a personal trainer always has a new workout up her sleeve to keep you having fun and seeing results! They love to see you sweat! Who loves to see you at your disheveled worst more than your trainer? All those huffs, puffs, and sweaty faces just tell them that they’re doing their jobs!


Join G20 Fitness today!

Visit our website for more information, or call us at (954) 357-3770 to learn more about achieving your fitness goals with our help. We are conveniently located at Volunteer Park, 12050 W. Sunrise Blvd., Plantation FL 33323.

Our vision: Leading the local fitness industry, targeting audiences interested in outdoor workouts.

Our mission: Empowering the local community through an effective physical training program; which combined with proper nutrition and adequate rest will provide a consistent and healthy life style.