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G20 Fitness Will Get You Fit!

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Physical fitness is a must for a healthy life.

G20 Fitness Will Get You Fit!With the obesity rate in America rising steadily, it’s crucial that we need to start thinking more seriously about physical fitness. What does it mean to be physically fit?

Being physically fit means you are able to engage in consistent exercise because your cardiovascular system is healthy, your body is flexible and your muscles are strong. In addition, physical fitness refers to your ability to perform endurance activities and have a healthy ratio of muscle and fat on your body.

Achieving a healthy level of physical fitness offers many health benefits, making it an important goal for all people. Walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing and strength training are good choices.


There are many great reasons to maintain physical fitness with exercise:

  1. Weight Control

Physical activity and exercise burns calories, which can help you lose unwanted pounds or maintain a healthy weight. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends 150 minutes of exercise each week to maintain your weight. Of course, you will need to increase that number to lose weight. In addition, being physically fit increases your overall lean muscle mass, boosting your metabolism to burn more calories.


  1. Fighting Diseases

Regular exercise creates a physically fit body, which helps control your blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides, reducing your risk of heart disease. Controlling weight, with regular workouts also helps lower your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. People who live an active lifestyle reduce their risk of several types of cancer, primarily colon and breast cancers, according to the Harvard School of Public Health.


  1. Mood Enhancement

Regular activity improves thinking, learning and memory. It may also reduce your risk of depression by boosting endorphins in your brain. Even small amounts of exercise are beneficial, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, the recommendation is 30 to 60 minutes three to five times per week for optimal brain and mood benefits.


  1. Strong Bones and Muscles

Aerobic exercise tones and strengthens your muscles, but including two 20- to 30-minute strength-training sessions each week enhances the benefit. Weightlifting, using resistance bands or practicing yoga are strength-training activities that count toward this goal. Creating a physically fit body slows bone density loss and keeps your muscles strong. This reduces your risk of osteoporosis and decreases pain caused from arthritis.


  1. Life Span

People who engage in several hours of activity each week are not only more likely to be physically fit, but they can have a 40 percent lower risk of dying early, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Being physically fit also reduces the risk of falls as you age. More exercise increases life span benefits, but any amount is a good way to live longer.


Improve your health at G20 Fitness!

If you want to get fit, G20 Fitness has a plan for you. We offer a few different program options to choose from:

  1. Fitness Group Session – Provides an effective and efficient way to maximize your results through our proven strength and conditioning program, and includes your nutrition plan.
  2. Personal Training Session – One-on-one strength and conditioning program.
  3. Private Group Session – Up-to-four people following our strength and conditioning program at an affordable and convenient rate.
  4. 21 Day Fit Body Challenge – Transform your body and lifestyle in thisprogram.


Join G20 Fitness today!

Visit our website for more information, or call us at (954) 357-3770 to learn more about achieving your fitness goals with our help. We are conveniently located at Volunteer Park, 12050 W. Sunrise Blvd., Plantation FL 33323.

Our vision: Leading the local fitness industry, targeting audiences interested in outdoor workouts.

Our mission: Empowering the local community through an effective physical training program; which combined with proper nutrition and adequate rest will provide a consistent and healthy life style.